Vegetables with a Cool Nature
Alfalfa sprouts: cool, bitter, St & Sp, benefits St & Sp, dispels Damp- ness, lubricates intestines
Asparagus: cool, sweet & bitter, Lu & Ki, Qi, Blood & Yin tonic, clears Heat & Fire, dries Damp, lubricates Dryness, clears Lu, diaphoretic
Lettuce (Iceberg): cool, bitter & sweet, St & LI, Qi & Blood tonic, clears Heat & Yang, dries Dampness & diuretic, aids lactation
Cucumber: cool, sweet, Sp, St & LI, clears Heat Yang, & detoxifies, promotes urination & quenches thirst
Eggplant: cool, sweet, Sp, St & LI, Qi & Blood tonic, clears Heat & Yang, removes Blood Stagnation, relieves pain, heals swelling
Mushroom (button): cool, sweet, Lu, LI, St & Sp, Qi & Blood tonic, clears Heat & Yang, calms Shen, stimulates appetite, regulates Qi, transforms Phlegm
Spinach: cool, sweet, LI & SI, Qi & Blood tonic, clears Heat & Yang, hemostatic, lubricates Dryness
Winter Melon: cool, sweet, Lu, LI, UB, & SI, detoxifies, diuretic, transforms Phlegm
Swiss Chard: cool, sweet, Su, LI, Sp & St, Qi Y Blood tonic, clears Heat & Yang, detoxifies, hemostatic, relieves coagulations
Watercress: cool, sweet & pungent, Lu & St, Qi, Yang & Blood tonic, circulates Qi & Blood, clears Heat & Yang, lubricates Lu, quenches thirst, diuretic
Radish: cool, pungent & sweet, Lu & St, Qi, & Blood tonic, clears Heat & detoxifies, transforms Phlegm-Heat, lowers Reb. Qi
Bamboo shoot: cold, sweet, Tonifies Qi, Blood & Yin, clears Heat, detoxifies (often used to balance warm energy of meat)
Kelp: cold, salty, St & Sp, Yin tonic, clears Heat, lubricates Dryness, softens Hardness, promotes flow of Water
Lotus Root: cold, sweet, Sp St & Ht, Qi, Blood & Yin tonic, cools Blood (when raw), stimulates appetite, produces muscles, relieves diarrhea (when cooked)
Water Chestnut: cold, sweet, Lu & St, clears heat, Yin tonic, trans- forms Phlegm, diuretic
Lettuce (Romaine): cold, bitter, LI & St, Qi & Blood tonic, clears Heat & Yang, dries Dampness, diuretic